player playlist Beautiful Things: Discussion : Figure


Monday, August 31, 2015

Discussion : Figure

Musthofa Bisri (Gus Mus)

Kyai, poet, novelist, painter, cultural and Muslim scholars, it has given a new color on the map trip social and political life of the scholars. He is Kyai who understated, not kiyai ambitious. He was Kyai of learners for the clergy and the people. He is Boarding caregivers Roudlatut Thalibin, Rembang, Central Java, is reluctant to (reject) nominated as Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama in NU-31 to 28 / 11-2 / 12-2004 in Boyolali, Central Java.

KH Achmad Mustofa Bisri was born in Rembang, 10 August 1944. When he was teenager he studied in Lirboyo Boarding School then in Krapyak Boarding School Jogjakarta also in Universitas Al Azhar, Kairo.

KH Achmad Mustofa Bisri, nicknamed Gus Mus, has principle to be able to measure himselves. Every want to enter any Institution, he always measure himselves first. He do that when Gus Dur was nominated he in the election of Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama on Muktamar NU-31

One day, he attend on show of “ Indonesia  Membaca”. In there he read his poems about Indonesia the first poem he has perspective indonesia in 20 years later but in 20 years ago but the fact indonesia not progress anything. The titlle of second poem is “ Negeri Amplop “. And The last poem he read in that show is “ Negeri Haha Huhu “


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