player playlist Beautiful Things: Sample of Decriptive Text : Figure


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Sample of Decriptive Text : Figure

Imam Suprayogo

“ Study, Study and Study “ said Prof. Imam Suprayogo in Quo Vadis Actor Teenager Talk Show. He is the dilligent person that never give up to study. Every day he always write the article usually he write it after breakfast. He is wise person. He has a good relationship in society although he has a high position. He is friendly person . He has a sharp nose. His face is oval. Prof. Dr. H. Imam Suprayogo was born in Trenggalek 2 January 1951. He is Head of  Islamic State University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang and also Big Teacher in Tarbiyah Faculty UIN Malang

He Graduated in Trenggalek Elementary School (1964), Trenggalek Junior High School (1967) and Trenggalek Senior High School (1970) in city that he born. And the Alumnus of Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Sunan Ampel Malang that success obtain titled doctor degree from Airlangga Surabaya University (1998) in Sosiology.

Before take hold in his titled ever became Assistant Head of Muhamaddiyah Malang University (1983-1996) and Representative Director Bachelor Pasca UMM (1996).


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