player playlist Beautiful Things: Conjunction


Sunday, September 27, 2015


Hello nice readers, now I want to post about one of my english lesson in my class and please remind me if there are any mistake from this post. Have a nice read readers ^^

What is Conjunction ?
Conjunction ( Kata Sambung ) adalah kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan kata-kata atau kalimat.
  •         Tidak seperti preposisi dihubungkan dengan objek
  •     Tidak seperti adverb menerangkan kata
  •          Hanya menghubungkan kata-kata atau kalimat-kalimat dan sebagainya

Okay now, example ?

Yes, example

If you would like to have your friend bring dictionary and grammar pocket to your school, it’s pretty hard to do it without a conjunction.

You could say, “ Bring dictionary. Bring grammar pocket “

But it’s more efficient to say. “ Bring dictionary and grammar pocket “

And it’s more polite to say , “ Please bring dictionary and grammar pocket “

Is it good readers ?

That’s one of example Conjunction, There are still other conjunction such as for , but , so ,....

 All conjunctions perform the same basic function, there are three conjunction
  •       Coordinating Conjunctions
  •       Subordinating Conjunctions
  •    Correlative Conjunctions

 Firstly , Let’s talk about Coordinating Conjunctions

There are

Coordinating Conjunctions menghubungkan kalimat-kalimat yang sederajat, yaitu kalimat yang satu yang tidak bergantung pada kalimat yang lain.
Example :
·         Two words : tea or coffe
·         Two phrases : in the school or at home
·         Two independent clauses : You must study, or you won’t learn grammar

" Another conjunction "
  •          AS (karena, ketika)

As I was in hurry, I hailed a taxi
As I was walking to school, I came across my old friend
  •         BECAUSE, SINCE (karena)

            I want to join the army because I like to devote my life for my country
            Since the situation was not peaceful outside, you have to stay inside
  •          WHEN (ketika, pada saat)

             When I was student, I went to school by bus
  •          WHEREAS (padahal)

            Shinta has got married whereas she is still in university  


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