player playlist Beautiful Things: 2015


Sunday, September 27, 2015


Hello nice readers,

Firstl, Let's watch this video 

After watch that video, I feel so sad and pity to them. I realize that we should not wasted our goods. Apparaently, There are still people hard to find food in this modern era. The Era which people can get all they want instantly. But, people in that video don’t get the effect of modern era.

Even for the daily food, father in that video have to collect a wasted food in a restaurant then he bring to home and give to his family. We know The father in that video is one of example, in reality there are still many people who could’t buy a food. So, we have to respects what we already have and don’t waste our food.


Hello nice readers, now I want to post about one of my english lesson in my class and please remind me if there are any mistake from this post. Have a nice read readers ^^

What is Conjunction ?
Conjunction ( Kata Sambung ) adalah kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan kata-kata atau kalimat.
  •         Tidak seperti preposisi dihubungkan dengan objek
  •     Tidak seperti adverb menerangkan kata
  •          Hanya menghubungkan kata-kata atau kalimat-kalimat dan sebagainya

Okay now, example ?

Yes, example

If you would like to have your friend bring dictionary and grammar pocket to your school, it’s pretty hard to do it without a conjunction.

You could say, “ Bring dictionary. Bring grammar pocket “

But it’s more efficient to say. “ Bring dictionary and grammar pocket “

And it’s more polite to say , “ Please bring dictionary and grammar pocket “

Is it good readers ?

That’s one of example Conjunction, There are still other conjunction such as for , but , so ,....

 All conjunctions perform the same basic function, there are three conjunction
  •       Coordinating Conjunctions
  •       Subordinating Conjunctions
  •    Correlative Conjunctions

 Firstly , Let’s talk about Coordinating Conjunctions

There are

Coordinating Conjunctions menghubungkan kalimat-kalimat yang sederajat, yaitu kalimat yang satu yang tidak bergantung pada kalimat yang lain.
Example :
·         Two words : tea or coffe
·         Two phrases : in the school or at home
·         Two independent clauses : You must study, or you won’t learn grammar

" Another conjunction "
  •          AS (karena, ketika)

As I was in hurry, I hailed a taxi
As I was walking to school, I came across my old friend
  •         BECAUSE, SINCE (karena)

            I want to join the army because I like to devote my life for my country
            Since the situation was not peaceful outside, you have to stay inside
  •          WHEN (ketika, pada saat)

             When I was student, I went to school by bus
  •          WHEREAS (padahal)

            Shinta has got married whereas she is still in university  

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Sample of Decriptive Text : Figure

Imam Suprayogo

“ Study, Study and Study “ said Prof. Imam Suprayogo in Quo Vadis Actor Teenager Talk Show. He is the dilligent person that never give up to study. Every day he always write the article usually he write it after breakfast. He is wise person. He has a good relationship in society although he has a high position. He is friendly person . He has a sharp nose. His face is oval. Prof. Dr. H. Imam Suprayogo was born in Trenggalek 2 January 1951. He is Head of  Islamic State University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang and also Big Teacher in Tarbiyah Faculty UIN Malang

He Graduated in Trenggalek Elementary School (1964), Trenggalek Junior High School (1967) and Trenggalek Senior High School (1970) in city that he born. And the Alumnus of Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Sunan Ampel Malang that success obtain titled doctor degree from Airlangga Surabaya University (1998) in Sosiology.

Before take hold in his titled ever became Assistant Head of Muhamaddiyah Malang University (1983-1996) and Representative Director Bachelor Pasca UMM (1996).

Monday, August 31, 2015

Discussion : Figure

Musthofa Bisri (Gus Mus)

Kyai, poet, novelist, painter, cultural and Muslim scholars, it has given a new color on the map trip social and political life of the scholars. He is Kyai who understated, not kiyai ambitious. He was Kyai of learners for the clergy and the people. He is Boarding caregivers Roudlatut Thalibin, Rembang, Central Java, is reluctant to (reject) nominated as Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama in NU-31 to 28 / 11-2 / 12-2004 in Boyolali, Central Java.

KH Achmad Mustofa Bisri was born in Rembang, 10 August 1944. When he was teenager he studied in Lirboyo Boarding School then in Krapyak Boarding School Jogjakarta also in Universitas Al Azhar, Kairo.

KH Achmad Mustofa Bisri, nicknamed Gus Mus, has principle to be able to measure himselves. Every want to enter any Institution, he always measure himselves first. He do that when Gus Dur was nominated he in the election of Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama on Muktamar NU-31

One day, he attend on show of “ Indonesia  Membaca”. In there he read his poems about Indonesia the first poem he has perspective indonesia in 20 years later but in 20 years ago but the fact indonesia not progress anything. The titlle of second poem is “ Negeri Amplop “. And The last poem he read in that show is “ Negeri Haha Huhu “

Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text is a text that describes the features of someone. Something or a certain place. With, followed  general truth or factual.
Charateristics of Descriptive Text
  • ·         Overall use Simple Present Tense; Depended on condition
  • ·         Attributive and Identifiying Process
  • ·         Adjective and Classifiers in nominal group
  • ·         Focus in on one specific object
Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
  •     Identification / Introduction is the part of the paragraph that introduces the character.
  •      Description is the part of the paragraph that describes the character.


                                                                Pintu Kota Beach

Pintu Kota is located in Airlouw Village,Ambon City, Maluku Province. Pintu Kota has Rocky Beach 20-30 meters with scenic view and Coral Reef. .................................. ( Identification / Introduction )

Pintu Kota (City Gate) is one of the beaches in the area around the town of Ambon, which unique is the presence of a large hole through the rock cliffs on both sides until translucent. On the reefs which are hollow if we stood on the beach, then we can see the sea directly through the hole.
Pintu Kota is often used as a tourist beach, shooting Prewedding, Wedding, modeling, fashion and product ads or movies. ....................................... ( Description )
Simple Present Tense
(+) S + V1
(-) S + do/does + not + V1
(?) Do/Does + S + V1
-          Do ........................... ( I, You, They, We )
-          Does ........................ (      He, She, It      )